“Pastorinhas” or Little Pastoral Girls

A Revival of Brazilian Christmas Folk Music


This Project is a revival of popular Christmas music and tales handed down orally from past generations of Brazilians during Christmas time.

Collegium Cantorum surveyed traditional beliefs in songs carried out during Christmas time, especially those, that folks used to sing, while they were waiting for the magic of the Christmas Evening, celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ! The Holy Manger, at that time, becomes the center of the Earth. It gathers everyone: the faithful and the pagan, the nomad and the land worker, the wise and the weak minded; Wealthy and Poverty, Heaven and Earth – Christ came to all.

Songs that show these traditions by Brazilian composers like José Maurício Nunes Garcia, Bento Mossurunga, Heitor Villa-Lobos, José Alberto Kaplan, Ernst Mahle were put together and organized for this special folk play, sang and acted by Collegium Cantorum for about one-and-a-half hour performance.

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